102-106 High Street, Esher, Surrey, KT10
Single let to Cote Restaurant Group Ltd for a long unexpired term of 13.13 years.
Rebased annual rent of 105,000 per annum.
Upward only rent review to open market in October 2026.
999 year virtual freehold interest at a peppercorn rent.
Arranged over ground floor and basement totalling approximately 3,127 sq ft.
Located in the affluent town of Esher, which sits within one of the wealthiest areas in the UK.
Within walking distance of Esher train station which provides regular services to London
Waterloo (approx. 20 minutes journey time).
Offers sought in excess of £1,365,000 (One Million Three Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand Pounds) reflecting a Net Initial Yield of 7.25% assuming purchaser’s costs of 6.03%.